As (relatively) young professors at major universities, Linda, Jeff, Holly and I are busier than the proverbial one-armed paper-hanger. Every week is filled with the endless pandemonium of grant deadlines, students at our door, requests to review papers, committee meetings, speaking engagements that we agreed to 6 months ago and forgot about, calls from media, calls from growers, calls from homeowners, and on and on and on. Then, in the middle of all this tumult and chaos, we decide, like we got nothing better to do, to start posting on a blog every week. Pardon my French, but what the f*&@ were we thinking?!
Then I run across a web-link like this:
and it all comes rushing back to me like a wave: Exposing charlatans. The fight against landscaping ignorance. The battle of science against quackery and snake oil.
I’m actually having a hard time settling down long enough to write about this. You know how you get that warm, flushed feeling you get right before you ask guy to step outside? I’m getting there. While I calm down, maybe we’ll let the readers take over. We’ll make it our Monday contest – how many stupid things wrong can our blog readers find in this video? Painful as it may be; watch the whole thing, it keeps getting better (or worse, depending on your point of view). To keep things fair, only one item per customer. In the meantime, I’ll just keep breathing into this paper bag…