Digging into spring planting: The importance of soil temperature and moisture


It’s that time of year again (unless you live in the Southern Hemisphere). Gardeners everywhere north of the tropics are thinking about what to plant and when to plant it. Everyone has their own method for determining when to put seeds in the ground outdoors. Many of them are tied to particular calendar dates or to holidays like Easter or phases of the moon. A few are even tied to sayings handed down from grandparents. Some of these methods have some usefulness because the calendar is tied to the seasonal cycle, and so planting on a particular date may be climatologically linked to the average date of the last freeze in spring in that location. Others, like planting at a time related to Easter, for example, seem less useful because Easter is not on the same date each year and using something that can occur on any date between March 22 and April 25 to determine your planting date seems a lot riskier, especially in years when Easter is early. In this week’s blog we will look at the importance of monitoring your soil for temperature and moisture conditions to ensure that your seeds and young plants have the best chance of survival.

Easter lily with pollinator, Alabama Extension, Commons Wikimedia.

Soil characteristics

Every soil has a set of intrinsic characteristics that describes its texture, its acidity, and its organic and mineral composition. It can be further described by environmental qualities including water and air content that give more information about what is in the soil on a daily basis. All of these are important in determining the success of a plant that is placed into that soil. Two of these characteristics that are very important for good plant establishment are the soil temperature and moisture present in that soil sample. Think of it like the “soil weather”, if you will. Soil temperature and moisture can vary a lot over just a few days if a front comes through and drops rain over your garden. In other periods it may not change much from one day to the next especially when temperatures are cool and the sky is cloudy which minimizes the heating of direct sunlight. Sandy soils tend to dry out much quicker than soil with a lot of clay content. The temperature and moisture content turn out to be very important for germinating many seeds and allowing the new plants to grow strong.

Picture of a stagnogley soil, HolgerK at English Wikipedia, Commons Wikimedia.

How does temperature affect germination and plant growth?

Most seeds germinate at when the soil temperature reaches an optimum value for that particular seed type. Our own John Porter discussed how to use this property to start seedlings indoors in spring before the outdoor soil reaches the most favorable temperature a few years ago. But many people make the mistake of using air temperature to decide when to plant rather than soil temperature, because when it feels like spring, gardeners’ thought turn to getting seed into the ground as soon as they can. However, soil temperature often lags the air temperature early in the season and that can lead to seeds germinating very slowly or sometimes just rotting away before they can sprout. Often, it just pays to wait until the soil has warmed up to the most suitable temperature for the seeds you are planting to germinate because your seedlings will be more robust and will grow more quickly.

How to obtain the soil temperature

The best way to get a soil temperature measurement is to do it yourself. There are a number of different inexpensive soil thermometers available to measure the temperature in your own garden plot. You might even find that it varies quite a bit around your property depending on the shading and type of soil you have, just like the local microclimate does. But even if you don’t have a suitable thermometer, there are online sources of soil temperature that can give you a general sense of what the soil temperature is in your area. Even if it is not exactly the same as your own back yard, it is probably close enough for you to judge when it is time to plant.

Thermometer showing soil temperature unshaded in a crop of lentils. Ekalaka, MT., July 2013, USDA NRCS Montana , Commons Wikimedia.

The National Weather Service does not measure soil temperature and moisture at their local airport stations because it is not useful for transportation, but they do provide some soil temperature and moisture information from satellites and other networks’ measurements because it is useful for hydrology, including watching for floods and droughts. Other agencies also collect this type of information. Many states also have statewide mesonets, including the University of Georgia network that I direct, that measure both soil temperature and moisture as well as weather parameters because they are so important for agriculture. Other countries may also measure this information. Keep in mind that the soil temperatures at those individual stations may not reflect exactly what is going on in your backyard because of differences in soil, sunshine, and exposure, but it will give you a general sense of what the pattern of soil temperatures is.

Once you know what the soil temperature is, wait until you know it is going to reach that temperature reliably, not just plant the first day it reaches that temperature. Generally you need about five days of consistent soil temperatures at the target temperature with no forecast for colder weather returning before it is safe to plant. That will help assure you that the seeds are in the best growing environment they can be.

Crocus vernus, Smihael , Commons Wikimedia.

How is soil moisture important?

According to the American Meteorological Society’s Glossary of Meteorology, soil moisture is “the total amount of water, including the water vapor, in an unsaturated soil.” The amount of moisture in the soil is determined by both weather conditions but also the soil type and vegetation in the area. It can be different at the surface than deeper down in the soil where the root zone of the plants is since it takes time for precipitation to percolate down to the areas where the most roots grow.

Like soil temperature, many state mesonets measure soil moisture in some way, although not all states do. The map in the link shows the distribution of soil moisture measurements from direct measurements across the Lower 48 states. There are also a number of satellite-detected soil moisture images available. For most gardeners, a general sense of how wet or dry the soil is can be enough to plant successfully. If the soil is too dry, the seeds may not germinate successfully but just sit in the ground until conditions improve and then sprout if they are still viable and have not been eaten. If the soil is too wet, the oxygen content of the soil will be too low because the soil water has filled all the pores in the soil structure, suffocating the new roots of any seedlings that develop. The sweet spot is somewhere in between, with enough moisture to swell the seed and nurture the new seedling without clogging the soil pores with too much water.

Soil moisture anomaly, NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center.

It’s almost time!

Now that you know how to watch for the perfect conditions (or at least close enough!) for your seeds to grow, I hope you will try your hand at doing your own observations of soil temperature and moisture and see what difference it makes in giving your garden the best start. Happy planting!

Petrichor The Smell of Rain, 2140261AishwaryaShinde, Commons Wikimedia.

Is snow really “poor man’s fertilizer?”


I’ve been thinking about snow and winter precipitation a lot this week as Georgia digs out from a record snowfall that hit the southern part of the state with amounts of up to 9 inches. This is the second snow event this winter, something that does not happen very often here, although I know it is much more common in many other parts of the country and the world. The heavy snow band stretched all the way from eastern Texas to eastern Virginia up the East Coast, bringing record snow amounts to many areas along the path, including a very heavy snowfall in New Orleans. In the past week I have seen references to snow as “poor man’s fertilizer” and I wondered where that came from and whether there was any truth to it. I discovered that it is a saying that is often used by farmers and even turned up in “Farmer Boy” by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The book tells the story of Laura’s husband, Almanzo, growing up on a farm in upstate New York in 1866. His father told him snow was a good thing and called it “poor man’s fertilizer.” We will explore what that means in this week’s Garden Professors blog.

Winter in Copenhagen, Denmark, Stöhrfall (talk), Commons Wikimedia.

Why is snow called “poor man’s fertilizer?”

Snow is sometimes called “poor man’s fertilizer” because, like rain, it can add nutrients to the soil when it falls and sinks into the ground. As snowflakes and rain droplets fall through the atmosphere they pick up trace minerals from dust particles and other nutrients like nitrogen compounds that are needed by plants as they grow. Lightning can also fix nitrogen in rain or snow, although the impacts are limited to areas right near the lightning strikes. The nitrogen compounds include nitrate, ammonium, and dissolved organic nitrogen. It is estimated that between 2 to 12 pounds of nitrogen are deposited per acre in the U.S. per year from rain and snow (at best about ½ pound/acre per inch of snow and usually much less than that). The highest amount of nutrients will occur in the first flush of rain or snow, since once they are washed out of the air, it takes a while for them to build back up.

Lightning contributes 5-10% of the nitrous oxide and the remainder comes from human activity such as emission from automobiles and industrial plants. Ammonium can make up 25-75% of the total N in precipitation and comes from soil microbial activity and manure and urea fertilizer outgassing. Since some of the nitrogen comes from human activity, it is probably no surprise that nitrogen levels in rain are higher in the eastern United States than they are out west due to the prevailing west-to-east winds over the continent. One of the results of this is too much nitrogen falling in some locations, enhancing crop yields but harming forests, waterways, and other natural landscapes.

Garden in snow at Hamarikyu Garden, Snow @ Hamarikyu Garden, Commons Wikimedia

The main benefit of the snowfall is the length of time it takes to melt, since that provides nitrogen to the soil over a longer period and reduces runoff. This is in contrast to rain, which often falls so fast that only a limited amount of the water can percolate into the soil. The rest runs off into streams and lakes resulting in more nitrogen there and less deposited into the ground. And of course snow is free so everyone that it reaches receives benefits at no cost compared to having to purchase and apply commercial fertilizers that add nitrogen to the soil, hence the reference to “poor man”.

Snow on the ground, Cholsey, Bill Nicholls, Commons Wikimedia.

What other benefits of snow cover are there?

In addition to providing moisture and nitrogen to the ground, the snow cover can provide other benefits to your gardens. The blanket of snow can provide an insulating layer between the very cold Arctic air that sometimes blows in from the north and the ground where plant roots and dormant plants are waiting out the winter months, as I discussed in November 2024. If the snow is high enough it can also provide some protection for tree trunks from the nibbles of hungry deer and rabbits looking for winter dining as well as protection for small rodents and other critters that are trying to avoid the eyes of hawks, owls, and foxes, who also need to eat.

Snowfall also serves as an important water source for many communities around the world, storing water in the snowpack in winter and slowly releasing it during the summer for use by communities and agricultural producers downstream. This is becoming a problem as more precipitation falls as rain instead of snow as the climate gets warmer because it changes the seasonal availability of the water. Meltwater from snow can also recharge the groundwater that can provide water through wells. The water from snow can also provide water for animals in winter, who may have limited sources of moisture to survive.

Snow at Hamarikyu Garden, Snow @ Hamarikyu Garden, Commons Wikimedia.

What limits are there to fertilization by snow?

Snow does not always provide much benefits to gardeners and farmers. If the ground is already frozen the meltwater may not be able to penetrate the surface and will run off before it can enhance soil nitrogen. If the soil is too permeable, the meltwater may sink down so deep that plants cannot reach the nutrients until later in the season when their roots stretch down to deeper levels, if at all. Even with a consistent snowpack over time, the amount of nitrogen that is able to infiltrate the soil is highly variable.

Enjoying the snow

While snow does provide some fertilizing effect due to the presence of nitrogen in the meltwater, the amount is not large. It’s highly variable due to the amount of dust picked up by the snowflakes as they fall through the atmosphere as well as how much and how fast the snow melts when it hits the ground. If the ground is frozen, very little may make it to the root zone. Testing your garden soil for nitrogen content each spring will allow you to determine how much nitrogen is already there and how much should be added using commercial fertilizers to provide the optimum levels for plant growth. But whether or not snow really is “poor man’s fertilizer”, it provides nourishment for the soul as you see this enjoyable and beautiful contrast to the greenness of your summer garden.

Frozen fruits of Rosa rugosa covered with snow, Alexey V. Kurochkin, Commons Wikimedia.

2024 in Review and a look ahead to 2025


How did your garden grow in 2024? Was it a lush playground full of beautiful flowers and plentiful produce? Or was it a sere landscape of brown, wilted foliage? How your own garden fared in 2024 was certainly dependent on where you live, what you had planted, and how you took care of it, but it was also subject to the variations in weather and climate in your area. This week we will take a look back at the climate conditions in 2024 and look forward to what it might mean for 2025. Now is the time to look at your seed catalogs and dream!

Christmas at Longwood Gardens, 2021, PLBechly, Commons Wikimedia.

What controlled the climate this year around the world?

With just a few days to go in 2024, it is quite clear that this will be the warmest year we have ever measured since official global records began in 1880. There are three main factors that controlled the climate in 2024, although of course there are also local variations due to smaller-scale weather events. The contributing factors are the warming trend across the world caused by greenhouse warming of the planet, the El Niño that dominated the Eastern Pacific Ocean in the first half of the year, and the unusual warming of the Atlantic Ocean this year which provided fuel for the growth of Atlantic tropical cyclones this year as well as raising the global temperature.

Impacts of the rising temperature trend

Rising temperatures for the world are well-documented by scientists across the globe and are generally linked to increases in the amount of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane from sources like the burning of fossil fuel. This is not a new concept and can be found in scientific literature going back to at least 1856 when Eunice Foote discovered that carbon dioxide trapped heat in her home laboratory. Many scientists since then have corroborated that effect and others have shown that the primary source of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide is the burning of fossil fuel, although there are other sources as well.

Source: National Centers for Environmental Information, NOAA.

A timeline of global temperature for January through November (we don’t have the values for December 2024 yet since it is not quite over) shows that this is almost certain to be the warmest year on record so far. But since temperatures are still rising, we can expect to see more record-setting warm years in the future. The rise in global and regional temperature that is occurring now may not be apparent on a day-to-day basis due to short-term variations caused by passing weather systems, but the changes are reflected in increases in normal temperatures when they are updated every ten years. Longer-term changes like the drift in Plant Hardiness Zones also reflect this upward trend. Heat waves across Northern Europe and in South America in 2024 have also been attributed in part to the warming trend. Of course, winter will still occur and we will continue to get cold periods, just fewer of them than in the past.

Winter flowers, Carol (vanhookc), Commons Wikimedia.

El Niño to neutral conditions

The second major impact on the climate in 2024 was the lingering El Niño that was occurring as 2024 began and lasted until early June. The warm water in the Eastern Pacific Ocean associated with El Niño helped raise the global temperature during the first half of the year and affected the climate around the world. In North America, an El Niño is associated with warm dry conditions at high latitudes and wet cool conditions in southern latitudes as the jet stream is shifted to the south, bringing storms, clouds, and rain along with it. Once the El Niño ended in June, neutral conditions prevailed until the end of 2024, although the last few months we almost reached the threshold for the opposite phase, La Niña. Climate patterns associated with La Niña were starting to appear late in 2024, leading to dry conditions across southern parts of the United States and wet conditions farther to the north. In fact in the Southeastern US most areas were in drought for a good part of the summer except areas that were hit by tropical cyclones like Beryl, Debby, Francine, Helene, and the remains of Rafael. By the end of 2024, over 87% of the lower 48 states were covered by drought or abnormally dry conditions, a big change from early in the year.

Source: National Drought Monitor.

Notable droughts also occurred in Brazil and other parts of South America and in northern Europe. These droughts were also associated with record-setting warm temperatures as high pressure over those areas tamped down any development of rainstorms and caused clear skies which increased temperatures. You can look at maps and timelines of specific areas of the world or country at https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/climate-at-a-glance/. The map above shows how the drought status in the US changed over the year with some areas getting much wetter and others drying out. Note that areas with tropical storms and atmospheric rivers this year experienced a lot of changes from month to month but it did not affect the total change over the year by much.

Record-setting warm temperatures in the Atlantic

The third impact on this year’s climate was the abnormally warm temperatures in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. These record-setting temperatures have been linked to decreases in aerosols from burning of fossil fuels by ships crossing the ocean and in more recent literature, to decreases in low clouds over the ocean. Both of these can lead to more sunlight reaching the surface of the ocean and increasing its temperature. Those warm sea surface temperatures led to a larger number of tropical systems than usual in the Atlantic Ocean by providing a source of fuel that helped them develop into full-fledged tropical storms and hurricanes. There were 11 hurricanes and 18 named storms in the Atlantic Basin this year, the 5th largest number in the satellite era. The number and intensity of tropical cyclones in other parts of the world like the western Pacific are also attributed in part to warmer ocean water. The Philippines experienced five different typhoons in just a few weeks, causing tremendous damage there, and other areas of Southeast Asia also felt the impacts of tropical systems.

What do we expect in 2025?

By January I expect that the La Niña will be officially declared. Whether or not it is, though, we can predict that the early part of the year will show the characteristic pattern of a weak La Niña, including a shift to the north for the jet stream over the United States. That will bring cloudy and colder weather to the northern states and warmer and drier conditions to the southern states since the jet stream is what is pushing our precipitation-producing systems around. These conditions will likely be reflected in the soil moisture present during the spring planting season, so I expect dry conditions in the Southeast that could affect germination of seeds. Wetter conditions in the North should not have this problem but farmers could have trouble getting into the fields to plant if it is really wet and cool, leading to delays in establishing crops. This La Niña is likely to be fairly weak, so it may only last for a few months before we return to neutral conditions. NOAA’s predictions are that the neutral conditions are likely to last for most of the summer. That means we are likely to get another active Atlantic tropical season. The South could be fairly dry except where the tropics bring storms to the area again in 2025. If you are in other countries, you can find more information here or check with your local authorities for how your region usually responds to a La Niña in winter and later in the year.

How did your garden do in 2024? What are you looking forward to in 2025? Let us know in the comments. We are happy to get your questions, too, as we plan for our blog posts in 2025. Many thanks for the comments we have received in this past year and for your support of our blog! We appreciate it!

Cyclamen, Wilhelm Zimmerling PAR, Commons Wikimedia.


Underneath a blanket of snow


I am writing this post on Thanksgiving Day, and I can hear football in another part of the house while I sit here with cat in lap. Here in Georgia, we are still officially in the growing season, although that will end in the next few days since a cold front has pushed through today, ushering in much colder conditions that will result in temperatures in the mid-20s next week. It will be a while before we see snow, though, and in fact we only get it every couple of years in Georgia, so we may not get any snow at all this La Nina year, since La Nina winters are usually warmer and drier than usual in the Southeast. Many of my friends from more northern areas have already experienced killing freezes and even snow so today I want to talk about how snow on the ground affects your gardens.

Garden detail covered in snow, Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress, https://cdn.loc.gov/master/pnp/highsm/13100/13199a.tif

What does the phrase “blanket of snow” mean?

When you hear the term “blanket of snow”, what does it mean to you? To me it means enough snow to completely cover the ground. Quora says it is a metaphor: “Everything is or was covered with snow thick enough to hide the actual objects and their shapes like a blanket would hide the objects it was covering.” Certainly, a thick enough covering of snow will mask the shapes of objects underneath it, just like the blanket on my bed hides the outlines of my legs. But I also think of a blanket as an insulator that keeps heat trapped underneath it and a blanket of snow can also do that for the ground beneath it. Snow also has weight, an early snowfall landing on autumn leaves can quickly strip a tree of its leaf cover if the snow is heavy enough to release the leaves from their branches. Linda has discussed damage to garden trees and shrubs from snow in a previous post.

Blanket of snow, Emilian Robert Vicol, Commons Wikimedia

When does snow form and fall?

Snow can come from several weather sources. In a previous blog post I discussed lake effect snow, and this week is likely to have some very big lake effect snows downwind of the Great Lakes (up to 5 feet!) because of the combination of very cold air with the record-setting high temperatures the Great Lakes are experiencing this year. Snow can also be caused by upward motion of moist air over elevated land, which becomes snow when it rises above the freezing level and drops precipitation on the mountains. For most people, snow comes when a large area of low pressure brings cold air into contact with warmer moist air at the surface. The dense cold air causes the lighter warmer air to rise over it. The air temperature drops as it goes up leading to bands of snow where the cold air and the moisture meet. If the cold air lags behind the surface low pressure, then it is unlikely to cool off the moist air enough to get snow and you may get a cold rain instead. This is the most likely way most of us will get snow if we don’t live near a large lake or mountain range.

How does snow insulate the ground?

Snow insulates the ground from the cold air above the snow by trapping air within the snow cover. This is not unlike how a down comforter works. The snowflakes fall against each other in random orientations that leave a lot of air between the individual flakes. The trapped air serves as a barrier between the really frigid air that is over the surface of the snow and the soil beneath it. In some cases, the snow is so effective at insulating the soil that the soil temperatures can be above freezing while the air above the snow cover is much colder. This is especially true when the skies overhead are clear because the top of the snow radiates thermal energy up to space very effectively when there is no cloud cover. If the soil stays above freezing, then pests and weeds will continue to live in that soil until a longer freezing spell comes along later in the winter when the ground is less protected by the snow. However, the insulation can protect from the desiccating effects of very cold, dry air on the plants that are waiting under the surface for spring temperatures to bring them back to life. A winter drought in the wheat fields of the Great Plains can lead to severe damage to the winter wheat crop since the lack of insulating snow cover leads to soil temperatures too low to sustain the wheat plants into the next growing season.

A bunch of snowflakes, Calgary Reviews, Commons Wikimedia

The amount of insulation snow cover provides depends on the density of the water in the snow cover. You can think of this as the ratio of snow depth to snow water equivalent, the depth of water that the snow would have if you melted it and measured the water volume that was left. Typically, the ratio of snow depth to water equivalent is roughly a 10 to 1 ratio—in other words, 10 inches of snow is equal to 1 inch of liquid water. But that varies widely depending on the temperature and weather conditions at which the snow occurred. A heavy lake effect snow near 32 F can be a ratio more like 6 to 1 while a really cold Arctic or high-altitude snow can be more like 15 or even 30 to one, resulting in a very fluffy snow that is dry and powdery with the snow crystals barely sticking to each other.

Different shapes of snowflakes affect snow cover density

The difference in the ratio of snow depth to water equivalent is due in part to the different shapes that snow crystals form depending on what the temperature and relative humidity are where they are forming in the atmosphere. The snowflakes that grow in the highest humidity levels and form near freezing are called dendrites. These are the typical snowflakes depicted on Christmas cards and in children’s books, with six-armed patterns that can be very ornate and beautiful. The dendrites usually cause the fluffiest snow covers because the edges of the flakes are rough and catch against each other, resulting in a lot of space between the flakes. Other shapes of snowflakes are denser and are also smoother, resulting in a closer packing of snow crystals that lead to a tighter snow cover. The longer the snow cover sits on the ground, the more dense it becomes as the rough edges of the snowflakes melt and smooth out, resulting in a tighter packing of the snow cover that becomes heavier and harder to shovel.

Snow crystal morphology, https://www.snowcrystals.com/morphology/morphology.html.

For gardeners, a blanket of snow can be not only a thing of beauty but a way of protecting your garden plants from the most extreme cold air. It can also be a way of providing moisture that will be needed by the growing plants in spring once the next growing season begins. So if you get snow, enjoy it as it covers your winter garden but also walk and drive safely if you have to go out in it. If you live in an area that does not get snow, enjoy the pictures that others post on social media and think about how a blanket of sparkling ice crystals might look in your garden.

Coming up in December: end of year summary

I plan to post a summary of the 2024 season in my December blog post. There is a lot to talk about this year, not just in the Southeast, and I hope to cover a good bit of it in that article. In the meantime, happy Thanksgiving to those of you in the United States and a happy Christmas and holiday season to all who celebrate it.

Snow on last year’s flower, Axel Kristinsson, Commons Wikimedia.

Feeling high and dry?


If you find yourself singing “How Dry I Am” these days, you might be under the influence of a large, stationary area of high atmospheric pressure. This past month, most of the eastern United States has been trapped in this pattern, with warm temperatures, clear skies, and no rain at all for most of the past month. In fact, many cities are on the verge of setting new records for low or no precipitation for the month of October, and some may even break records for the driest month ever. In this post, I will discuss what high pressure is, how it affects precipitation and health, and what impacts these may have on your gardens.

Autumn leaves of a northern red oak, Toulouse, PierreSelim, Commons Wikimedia.

What is atmospheric pressure?

Pressure is a measure of the force of the atmosphere pushing down on the surface of the earth. This is caused by the weight of the air above that surface. As you go up in the atmosphere in an airplane or as you climb a mountain, the amount of air that is above you decreases and the pressure goes down. Pressure also changes horizontally as differences in the temperature around you cause variations in the density of the air, leading to areas of high pressure where the air is more dense and low pressure where it is less dense. Wind is just the movement of air in response to differences in pressure as the atmosphere tries to equalize pressure everywhere horizontally. In the vertical, the pressure gradient pulling air up is balanced by gravity pulling the air down. The wind at the surface is controlled not only by the variations in pressure at the surface but also by friction and the revolution of the earth around its axis, which diverts moving air to the right of the original movement in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere (we call that the Coriolis force). Because of the combination of these forces, air tends to spiral into the center of the lowest pressure and spiral out of the center of the highest pressure.

How does atmospheric pressure relate to precipitation?

As the air moves into the center of low pressure, it meets in the middle and rises up, since it cannot go down into the earth. Rising air cools off as the pressure decreases and eventually the water vapor in the air condenses and forms clouds and sometimes precipitation. In the middle of high pressure areas, the air sinks, leading to air that is heating up and evaporating any clouds that might have formed elsewhere. Skies may be bright blue due to the lack of water vapor in the descending air. A complete circulation is formed when air at the surface of the high moves out away from the center towards areas of low pressure, then rises up and spreads out away from the surface low, moving into the top of the high pressure column and sinking towards the surface. You can see this schematically in the diagram below.

High pressure and drought on short and long time scales. Source: Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

When an area of high pressure persists over an area for a long time, the sinking air leads to persistent sunny skies and low humidity, making it very difficult for clouds and rain to form. In summer, these long-lasting high pressure centers can lead to heat domes and oppressive and dangerous conditions such as occurred in the Pacific Northwest a few years ago. In the winter, high pressure is often associated with cold outbreaks of frigid, dry and dense air moving south from the Arctic (in the Northern Hemisphere). Those conditions lead to freezes caused by temperatures that fall to 32 F (0 C) or lower due to low winds and no clouds to trap the heat near the surface.

Clear conditions over the Eastern US on 21 October, 2024. (Note the autumn leaves in some locations.) Source: NOAA.

This fall has been a textbook case of a strong high pressure that has parked over the eastern half of the United States, causing day after day of warm and sunny weather and almost no rain at all. I often think that a drought is just too many days in a row of nice weather (assuming you prefer sunshine, which not everyone does). Fall is the time of year when we tend to have the longest periods of dry weather in the Southeast, but the dry spell does not usually last as long as it has done this year. If you enjoy warm and quiet weather (or sometimes cooler and less humid weather if some dry air has moved in from the north), fall is the time for you to really enjoy your garden before it shuts down for the winter. The dry conditions are good for many farmers too, because the harvest of commodity crops like cotton are easier when the plants dry up. Grape growers also appreciate the dry conditions because it concentrates the sugar in the grapes, leading to more tasty wines. Large-scale areas of high pressure around 30 degrees North and South latitudes are related to the formation of deserts like the Sahara and the Desert Southwest in the United States because the sinking air prevents the occurrence of precipitation, although it can rain there too when the monsoon blows moist air into the region and heat makes it rise to form clouds and rain.

Desert Botanical Gardens in Phoenix, Arizona, Kevin Dooley from Chandler, AZ, USA, Commons Wikimedia.

How does high pressure relate to health?

Air pressure variations can lead to health issues in some people. Most people seem to be affected by low pressure, which can cause sinuses and ears to hurt and bother some people’s joints. Changes from high to low pressure associated with the movement of cold fronts also bother many people with arthritis and can cause headaches in some sensitive people. In high pressure areas, most people feel more alive and active. It is hard to know how much of that is due to the pressure and how much is due to the persistent sunshine and lack of rain, though. Interestingly, there is some evidence that more women give birth when the air pressure is low, especially when there is a big change due to an incoming tropical cyclone.

A chart shows the expected impact of Houston’s atmospheric pressure on “aches and pains” this week. (KIAH)

Sinuses, inversions and trapping of aerosols

Air quality also suffers under high pressure because the sinking air traps pollutants near the surface of the earth. This can include soot, smog, and even pollen. The temperature of the air above the surface often rises with height before cooling off as you go higher in the atmosphere. We call this an inversion because we normally expect temperature to decrease as you rise away from the earth, and instead it rises over a layer near the ground before cooling off above that layer. Farmers spraying some herbicides are not allowed to spray when there is an inversion because it can lead to concentration of the chemical near the ground and drift into neighbors’ fields, causing damage to the plants there. This can also happen in home gardens if you have a neighbor that uses a lot of chemical sprays in his or her yard. In the worst cases, a strong and persistent inversion can lead to dangerous levels of pollutants that can cause harm to people with lung conditions like asthma. Smoke from wildfires can also get trapped under the inversion, adding to the pollutant load.

A meteorological inversion in the southernmost tip of the Netherlands, Rhetos, Commons Wikimedia.    

How you can plan for high pressure impacts

If you know that high pressure is forecast for your area, you can use that information to plan for the kind of weather you are likely to experience while it is in place. If it persists over the area, it will be dry and you may have to increase your watering. Plants may get dustier and could be affected by trapped pollution and chemical treatments, leading to spotting or discoloration of the plants and eventually death as the pollutants affect the soil. If you need to work outdoors during persistent high pressure, make sure you monitor the air quality levels so you do not irritate your lungs or dry them out in the low humidity of the sinking air.

Enjoy the days of high pressure as you work in your gardens in the sunny conditions. Low pressure will soon come and bring rain and clouds. We need both to keep our gardens and our gardeners happy!

Autumn Sky-Panoramio. Source: FoxyStranger Kawasaki, Commons Wikimedia.

Getting ready for an extreme weather event


For those of us in the Southeastern United States, this past week has been a whirlwind of preparation for Hurricane Helene, followed by the terrifying storm itself and now, for some people, months of clean-up and houses, yards, and gardens that may never be the same. My post this week (I did not get to it last week because of the impending storm) will be about how to prepare for an extreme weather event, including where to find accurate and timely information on weather forecasts and how to prepare your house and garden for the extreme weather you may suffer. While we just went through a hurricane, this could apply equally to an ice storm or blizzard, derecho, tornado, or any rapidly occurring weather event. No matter where you live, you will experience extreme weather at some point and need to be ready for it. My post from last month, https://gardenprofessors.com/how-would-your-garden-handle-a-12-inch-rainfall/, was surprisingly prescient, since Helene also brought extreme rainfall to the Southeast, particularly to western North Carolina and Virginia and to the area around Atlanta, GA. Our hearts go out to all of the people affected by Helene and other serious weather disasters.

Hurricane Helene and Tropical Storm John together on September 25, 2024. Source: NASA.

Preparing your property and garden for damaging wind and rain conditions

The best way to deal with an extreme weather event is to prepare for it well ahead of time. I used to play a game with my son when he was young: “Name all the ways that something could go wrong (in his case, what could make a train or airplane crash).” It is a surprisingly effective way to make you think about possible dangers that might lurk around your home if a severe weather event occurs and what you might have to do to minimize them. If you can identify the risks of an event, then you can address them before the roof starts to blow off and the trees start falling.

Storm damage from Ophelia, Dublin, Ireland, October 2017. Source: William Murphy, Commons Wikimedia.

The first step is to look around the outside of your house for any potential threats to your property that could become safety issues in strong winds or heavy rains. If you have trees, are they healthy? Are there any low-lying or diseased branches that could come loose in a strong wind and hit your house or car? Could a 50-mph wind from the southwest (or whatever direction your storms usually come from) blow them into your windows or onto your roof? Are there any areas on the outside of your house that are in poor repair and in danger of failing in a storm such as a loose railing or fence? If you like decorative items in your garden like garden gnomes or shiny balls, can you remove them before a storm approaches so that they don’t become wind-borne missiles? You should also consider potential areas where erosion might be enhanced by the ground cover or slope and determine if there are ways to slow the flow of water to preserve your soil and garden design.

Once you identify potential problems in your yard, you can repair them before a storm comes. But you should also make sure that you have adequate insurance coverage and that you document what you have before a storm hits with an inventory or video recording. You might also need special insurance to cover extreme events; I read today that less than 1% of all residents of western North Carolina had flood insurance, even though many of them live in flood-prone areas. Floods are not covered by most homeowners insurance policies. Of course, there could be many reasons for not buying it, including high costs, but if an extreme event occurs, you are going to wish you had it.

Cabbage field eroded by Helene rainfall.

Identifying location concerns that could affect your safety

No matter where you live, there are bound to be risks due to the location of your property. If you live on top of a hill, you are prone to experience more lightning and higher winds and potentially more snow since the temperatures at higher elevations are generally lower. If you live in a river valley, your property and gardens would be more vulnerable to floods but also to freezes since cold air drains downslope to low-lying areas. When you decide where to live, consider the land the house and garden are on and also how you get there, whether you have to cross rivers or go through areas that are heavily wooded, which could be a problem in high winds but also potentially in a wildfire. Where you get your water could also be a concern if your well has an electric pump and power is likely to go out.

Rainy day horses. Source: Sini Merikallio, Commons Wikimedia.

Get ready to go or stay

Preparing for an extreme event means planning for providing food, shelter, and water for your family and pets if you plan to stay and planning for an evacuation if it is not safe to stay. There is a lot of information out there about this planning process and I am not going to list everything here but you will find some links at the end of this blog that you may find helpful. As I write this almost a week after Helene came through the Southeast, there are many people here whose power is still out and who may not be able to travel because of all the trees and power lines that are down in their neighborhood and who have no access to clean water because the water plants were destroyed or the electric pumps on their wells no longer work. It usually takes about 72 hours for outside help to start getting supplies into affected areas, so you need to plan for several days and perhaps much longer to provide everything you need. Eventually, help will come from a variety of federal, state, and local agencies and non-profits but often the first help comes from a neighbor with a chain saw or extra water. If you evacuate, you will need a plan to get out safely, including more than one possible evacuation route, plenty of gas for your car, copies of important documents, and a place to go, which may include housing for pets or livestock.

Getting the weather information you need to make good decisions

Once you have your plan for severe weather, you need to monitor the situation for potentially threatening situations. A smartphone weather app is an easy way to get your daily weather for regular planning purposes but is not adequate for situations when weather might be changing rapidly since the apps are often updated only once or twice a day. In severe weather, an old forecast is a bad forecast because things may be quickly changing and you need the latest information.

Hourly forecast graph from the National Weather Service.

There are a number of apps and websites that you can use to monitor extreme weather events, including the National Weather Service local forecasts for frequently updated information, watches for potential severe weather, and warnings for when it is spotted. The National Hurricane Center is the official source of hurricane and tropical storm warnings and their maps are updated every three hours when a storm is present. Beware apocalyptic posts on social media that often show a single worst-case model run that has practically no chance of occurrence just to gain attention and clicks. Stick to expert guidance from trusted sources. You can also get information on what local conditions you might experience and the timing of wind and rain using the hourly weather forecast from the National Weather Service, although in a rapidly changing extreme weather event even these may not change quick enough to capture the evolution of the storm. Weather radios and some smartphone apps that are designed can provide information about watches and warnings based on your location. If you live in an area that is prone to flooding or severe weather or is in a floodplain or near the coast of the ocean, then you should pay careful attention to rain in the area upstream of you are or the likely storm surge from a tropical cyclone. Be prepared to evacuate if emergency managers ask you to.

Planning ahead can save lives

Extreme weather is something that we all need to plan for but that planning often falls by the wayside because of other pressing tasks. But if you can take the time to do some simple advance planning and be prepared to act when the event starts, you can save yourself a lot of work later on when the clean-up begins and may save your houses and gardens. You may even save your family from serious consequences! I hope that it never becomes an issue for you, but I also know that many communities, businesses, farms, and families are dealing with the consequences of extreme weather now. Thanks to help from many people, they are starting to rebuild their lives, but it will be a long time before things get back to normal and for some, it may never be the same.

Fallen Tree by Alexandre Calame, 1839-1845, oil on paper on canvas – National Gallery of Art, Washington. Source: Commons Wikimedia.

Some useful links:

Georgia Department of Public Health: Severe Weather Preparedness

Resident’s Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards in Georgia (good for other locations too)

Bankrate: How to Create a Home Inventory

FEMA: Hurricane Preparedness and Evacuation Planning


How would your garden handle a 12-inch rainfall?


Early in August, Hurricane Debby made landfall in the Big Bend of Florida’s Gulf Coast, crossed into Georgia east of Valdosta, and moved leisurely northeast. The remains of Debby crossed the coast, briefly moved over the Atlantic Ocean before turning northwest and making another landfall northeast of Charleston then headed north into New England. While the winds decreased quickly once Debby made landfall, it dropped huge amounts of rain along its path. The highest official rainfall amounts topped 12 inches, but I heard of some unofficial measurements of 20 inches in a few isolated locations. Pictures of erosion in peanut fields and standing water in cotton stands filled my inbox, and it made me wonder how a garden would cope with so much precipitation in such a short period of time. I want to take a few minutes today to discuss it.

Initial estimate of rain from Hurricane Debby, August 8, 2024.

What happens as the rain is falling?

Tropical rainfall (or rain from any heavy thunderstorm) contains a large volume of water in droplets falling from a height of several miles. Generally, the raindrops are large and fall in a shape that looks more like a hamburger than the typical teardrop we often see in pictures. As the drop falls, the bottom flattens out under the influence of the air that it is falling through and surface tension holds the drop in a rounded shape. Raindrops fall at different speeds depending on how big they are. Large raindrops associated with warm weather and strong updrafts like the ones we see in thunderstorms and hurricanes can have a falling speed of up to 20 miles per hour, while smaller raindrops fall at lower speeds of 2 miles per hour and drizzle at much slower speeds of a few feet per second. The speed at which the drop falls is known as its terminal velocity and is reached when the force of gravity pulling the drop downward matches the friction of air slowing the drop down as it falls.

Leaves in rain, Rob Hille, Commons Wikimedia.

What damage does the rain do when it hits the ground?

When the falling raindrops hit leaves, they can cause damage to the plants. The biggest raindrops are heavy and falling fast so they can break off or damage the foliage, although not as much as hail does. We see this especially in fall when the leaves are loosely attached to the branches after they start to change color and die. A heavy rain (or snow if you live in a colder area) can remove a lot of leaves in a short time, making the fall colors muted or non-existent as the leaves are washed to the ground.

Leaves in puddle, https://www.flickr.com/photos/cogdog/9606144702/, Cogdogblog, Commons Wikimedia.

When the rain hits bare ground it can cause soil particles and microbes to splash upward. Farmers know that rainy weather can lead to more diseases because of the enhanced transmission of fungal spores and other pathogens up onto the crops. Of course, the wet soils can also provide a lot of moisture in the air around the plants that can fuel the development of fungal diseases like powdery mildew, especially when plants are close together with little ventilation by the wind. Mulch may be able to help reduce the transmission of spores but creates a moist environment around the roots of the plants that can cause problems if it keeps too much water in the ground. One advantage of arborist wood chips is that the wood absorbs moisture and releases it later and the pores between wood chips are large and can store a lot of water before it runs off. It can also preserve soil moisture between rain events and it can reduce the impact of raindrops on the soil surface, limiting nutrient loss and splashing.

Erosion of peanut field in Screven County, GA, following Hurricane Debby, GA Peanut Growers.

Where does the rain go when it hits the ground?

Once rain hits the ground, some of it sinks into the ground (infiltration) while the rest might either run off if there is a slope or stand in a puddle if there is a low-lying or flat area. The rate at which water can enter the soil depends on the characteristics of the soil. If it is gravel or coarse sand, it can take in as much as 0.8 inches of water per hour. Sandy loams can take in 0.4 to 0.8 inches per hour, loams 0.2 to 0.4 inches per hour, and clay soils less than 0.2 inches per hour. The rain can also compact the soil, making the movement of oxygen around the roots more restricted. The water that does not sink into the soils will either sit at the place the rain has fallen or will move downhill under the force of gravity. Flowing water will often carry a lot of soil and debris with it, so the movement of topsoil and nutrients like nitrogen from field to stream can cause problems for both environments. Silt from the floodwaters can cause loss of oxygen in streams and murky conditions affecting the stream health or the silt can be deposited in low-lying areas. In the biggest floods, large deposits of sand can ruin fertile bottomlands by covering healthy soil with thick deposits of unproductive silt and sand. The erosion can also dig deep trenches through gardens and farm fields, leading to loss of plants and making the movement of farm equipment across that rutted land difficult especially since it can also get bogged down in the mud.

If the water pools in a low-lying area the soil can become saturated for a long time. This causes damage to the plants standing in the water because without oxygen, the roots die. In the short term the loss of oxygen can cause the plants to wilt. If it lasts for a long time it is likely to lead to the death of the plants in low-lying areas. In Hurricane Debby, some farmers are starting to see flooded cotton plants become reddish and stop growing, reducing the eventual yield of the crop. The dying roots can also give off ethylene gas, hastening the ripening of crops like tobacco and shortening the time that farmers have to harvest it before it rots. Farmers are often told to harvest crops that grew in flooded areas separately from upland crops because the negative impacts of oxygen deprivation can stunt plants, ruining their yields and increasing the likelihood of aflatoxin in peanuts or other toxins which can decimate the value of the crop.

Partially flooded watermelon field, B. King, The South Carolina Grower.

What can gardeners do to prepare their gardens for heavy rains?

In the future, the frequency of heavy rains is expected to increase in the United States as well as other parts of the world because of more water vapor in the atmosphere as the planet warms. What can gardeners do to make sure their gardens can withstand heavy rain events? The first thing to do is to understand what type of soil you have and how much water it can absorb. If you have sandy soil, heavy rain will have less of an effect than clay soil but it might mean you have to water a lot more often. In Debby, some areas that received 12 inches of rainfall needed irrigation less than a week after the storm moved through because the sandy soil of the coastal plain just does not hold much water. The next thing you should consider is the local topography of your garden. Are there areas that are natural channels for water? Make sure those areas are lined with material and plants that can withstand water and reduce erosion. If you have low-lying areas, use those to plant rain gardens with plants that are more adapted to wet conditions.

Rain is a necessary part of gardening unless you live in a desert and provide your own water to your gardens, but it can cause a lot of damage if the water is not managed carefully. Take the time to study your garden and understand where the water will flow and your garden will be much more likely to take a 12-inch rainfall in stride with minimal damage. It might even thrive!

Landscape of leaves after rain, Arushan, Commons Wikimedia.

Dust in the wind


In my blog post last month, I mentioned the likelihood of having a very active Atlantic tropical season, especially because the ocean surface temperatures are so warm. But despite an early start to the season with the first three named storms (including Beryl, the earliest ever category 5 storm in the Atlantic Ocean), it’s been quiet for the last few weeks. The ocean temperatures continue to be very warm. What is preventing the development of tropical storms in such a warm environment? One of the main culprits now is Saharan dust that blows west off the African continent and affects the vertical structure of the atmosphere. This keeps tropical waves from developing the necessary circulation to strengthen into a powerful storm. In this post, we will discuss the impacts of the Saharan dust and how it is both good and bad for the environment.

Kalanchoe_pumila, 阿橋 HQ, Commons Wikimedia.

What is Saharan dust and where does it go?

The Sahara Desert covers most of the northern portion of the African continent. It’s the world’s largest source of wind-blown dust supplied to the ocean and adjacent land. It is one of the driest places on earth and is covered with sand and rocks but very little plant materials. This means the dust from the Sahara is mineral dust with low organic content. Seven elements (Ca, Mg, Al, Ti, Fe, K, and Na) account for 98% of the total analyzed inorganic burden. The dust particles are often very fine, so they can travel a long distance from their source region on the continent.

Sand blowing on dunes, muffinn from Worcester, UK, Commons Wikimedia.

Winds in that part of the world blow from east to west near the surface. You might know of them as the “trade winds”, which are often described in elementary geography classes as the winds that helped European ships travel west to North America. The trade winds form a band of westward-blowing winds from about 30 degrees south to 30 degrees north latitude around the globe. The strength of the trade winds changes over time, but when they are strong and a lot of dust is available over the Sahara, the particles can blow all the way across the Atlantic, covering large parts of the Atlantic and bringing low air quality and beautiful sunrises and sunsets to people in its path. This month has been particularly dusty, with satellite records showing this is the 2nd dustiest July since continuous records began in 2002. Generally the dust plumes occur at a height of 5,000 to 20,000 feet where the trade winds are the strongest.

How does Saharan dust affect tropical storm development?

The air that carries the Saharan dust is usually very dry, which disrupts the usual moist conditions above the ocean surface and keeps thunderstorms from growing vertically. The vertical air movement would normally help initiate the decrease in surface pressure that helps storms grow. The dust particles also serve as nuclei to absorb even more moisture from the air, keeping the layer dry. The dust is opaque (which makes it visible from satellites) and shades the surface of the ocean, cooling it off and reducing its ability to energize storms.

June 18, 2020, NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite, via Commons Wikimedia.

The Saharan dust layer is most likely to occur in the period between mid-June and mid-August, but there are variations over time and location because of the strength and direction of the wind. Sometimes the winds even blow from south to north, bringing dust to Europe, although this is less frequent. Tropical storms can sometimes form in pockets of relatively dust-free air, as Hurricane Beryl did this year, but the thickest layers are very effective at shutting down storm growth.

How does the dust affect air quality and human health?

Saharan dust incursions into the Southeastern United States can often been seen in air quality measurements taken in cities around the region. Like any other dust particles or other aerosols like smoke from forest fires, the particles can trigger asthma, burning eyes, and other symptoms associated with bad air quality. The dust can be seen in lower visibility around the cities, deposits on horizontal surfaces like cars and plants either directly from the dust or from “dirty rain” which contains the dust and brings it down to the ground. It can also result in spectacular sunrises and sunsets due to the scattering of the sun’s rays by the particles (similar to those from volcanic eruptions). If you are sensitive to poor air quality and plan to work outside in your garden, you will want to monitor air quality carefully and avoid the times when the pollution is worst.

The moment of sunset, El Manara gardens, محمد بوعلام عصامي, MD. Boualam, Commons Wikimedia.

How does the dust affect plants?

Saharan dust has important positive impacts on both phytoplankton in the ocean and on the Amazon rainforest. Those areas are often missing nutrients that would allow plant growth and so additions of iron and phosphorus into those areas can improve soil or water fertility and plant growth. Unfortunately the dust can also contain bacteria or other organic material that can lead to undesirable growth of algae in the ocean. The dust is not acidic, so acid rain is not something we worry about with rain containing the Saharan dust, unlike rain from volcanoes or from coal-burning power plants. The dust can also reduce absorption of sunlight by plants if there is a large amount.

How can gardeners prepare for episodes of Saharan dust?

First, we need to recognize that while we have not studied Saharan dust impacts for long, it has been around for many years and is a natural part of the earth-atmosphere system. It has beneficial impacts on soil nutrients in tropical rainforests and gardens in the affected areas and helps reduce activity in the tropics early in the season. But with dust events decreasing in the next few weeks, we can expect the Atlantic tropics to start heating up again as the most active part of the season gets underway. Gardeners should monitor their plants for dusty conditions and should also keep track of air quality impacts if they have asthma or other breathing disorders that could be affected by the dusty conditions. Gardeners in other parts of the world should also be aware of sources of dust and other pollutants that could affect their gardens and their own health. The Garden Professors blog has discussed the impacts of dust on gardens in several of our previous posts so please search for them if you want more information.

Moonlight in the Sahara, © Sergey Pesterev / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0, Commons Wikimedia.

Tropical storms and hurricanes and how they affect your gardens and properties


Last month I discussed the forecast for the Atlantic tropical season and pointed out that it is likely to be an active one. As I write this, there has already been one named storm (Alberto, which went into Mexico but dropped a lot of rain in southern Texas) and two more areas of potential development are moving their way through the Atlantic (note TS Beryl formed on Friday, June 28 at 11 pm after this was written). Hurricane season has begun! This month I will discuss what a tropical storm is and how they form into hurricanes. I will end by discussing how tropical storms and hurricanes impact gardens and what you can do to prepare for them.

Epilobium canum “Hurricane Point” in Clovis Botanical Garden, Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz

Where do tropical storms and hurricanes form?

While we think of hurricanes as hitting the southeastern part of the United States, they are actually much more widespread than that. The map below shows that tropical storms can form in both hemispheres and affect every continent except for Antarctica. Here in the United States we see them most often over the Atlantic Ocean but can experience storms on the west coast from time to time as well. The storms are not always called hurricanes, they can be called typhoons in the Western Pacific and cyclones in the Indian Ocean and Australia. To be considered a hurricane or one of these other storms they have to record a sustained wind speed of 74 mph or higher. Storms in the United States that are stronger than that are classified by the Saffir-Simpson scale into categories 1 through 5 depending on how strong the winds are. And of course the wind gusts in the storms can be quite a bit higher than the sustained winds, they are just more localized and last for only short periods.

Global hurricane track climatology. Source: NASA Space Observatory.

What ingredients are needed for a tropical storm or hurricane to form?

The prerequisite conditions for hurricanes are: warm, deep ocean waters (greater than 80°F / 27°C), an atmosphere cooling rapidly with altitude, moist middle layers of the atmosphere, low wind shear, and a pre-existing near surface region of low pressure in the surface environment. But you might have noticed from the map that even if these conditions are in place a tropical cyclone is not likely to form if it is not at least 300 or so miles from the equator. This is because of the Coriolis force which acts on moving air on a rotating planet to push air to the right of the original direction of movement in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. Low pressure draws air into the circulation, but the Coriolis force helps it to spin up into a storm with a defined circulation.

The seeds of low pressure where storms form can come from atmospheric waves moving east to west off of Africa, sometimes from stalled fronts over the Gulf of Mexico or along the East Coast of the United States. These usually provide the initial trigger of storm development. But not all waves or fronts can develop into cyclones if the other conditions are not right. The location of typical development depends on the time of year, with early and late storms developing closer to the United States and most storms in the peak period from mid-August to mid-October forming from waves coming off the west coast of Africa.

You might wonder why there are almost no tropical storms in the southeastern Pacific or in the southern Atlantic Ocean. That is because the water is normally too cold to sustain storm development. Since ocean temperatures are warming over time we could see more storms there in the future, especially in the South Atlantic where temperatures are already warmer than the SE Pacific. The tropical season could also become longer as the ocean warms up to 80 F earlier in the year in the future.

Bermuda high and tropical storm tracks. Source: Accuweather.

Tropical storms and hurricanes move under the influence of winds midway up in the atmosphere which push along the core of the storm as it is growing or weakening. The stronger the core of the storm, the closer the link between the large-scale atmospheric pattern and the storm movement. In the map above you can see that most storms move in a curving pattern that begins in the east near the equator and moves west over time before recurving to the northeast in a clockwise manner. This pattern is caused by subtropical high pressure, called the “Bermuda High”, over the Atlantic but by other names in other parts of the world. The path of each storm is unique due to the weather pattern present at the time of the storm, and sometimes they can take some crazy paths if the weather pattern is unusual.

How do tropical storms become hurricanes?

Usually, a wave of low pressure over the ocean pulls in air towards the center to reduce the pressure gradient. As the air moves in, the Coriolis force causes it to start spinning. In the Northern Hemisphere this spin is counterclockwise. The air above the surface circulation starts to flow out of the storm and drops the pressure at the surface causing the storm to intensify as air rises near the center of the storm. This continues as long as there is a source of energy (warm water) below it and there is no jet stream high up in the atmosphere to disrupt the development of the circulation. When the sustained wind speed reaches 74 mph its designation is changed from Tropical Storm to Hurricane and it stays that way until the wind speed drops as the storm weakens over land or colder water.

What impacts do tropical cyclones have on gardens and what can you do to prepare?

Tropical systems have a variety of impacts depending on where they are and how strong they are. Thoughtful gardeners will consider all the risks that severe weather can have on their gardens and get ready long before the storms hit. The strong and gusty winds are the most apparent impact; they can cause damage to trees, buildings, and plants and can cause significant damage to gardens. It’s a good idea to walk through your property periodically to look for dead or diseased limbs that could become airborne missiles in strong winds (whether or not they are from a hurricane). Decorative items and furniture left outside can damage tree trunks as well as houses and gardens when they become wind-borne. So if a storm is imminent, scout your property to remove anything that could be potentially hazardous.

Another important impact is flooding rain. The amount of rain that falls from a hurricane depends in part on how fast it is moving, since a slow-moving storm can drop more rain on a particular spot than one that is moving through quickly. The storm does not have to be strong to produce a lot of rain either—some of the weaker storms have been great rain-makers. And it does not even need to be an organized storm. Wet tropical systems that are not fully organized into storms have the potential to produce flooding rain, as we saw in southern Florida just a couple of weeks ago with over 20 inches of rain in some locations. The remains of hurricanes can also cause floods far inland, especially if there are mountains to help the air rise. Hurricane Agnes in 1972 had damage from the Caribbean all the way to Canada because of the torrential rains that fell along the Appalachian Mountains as it moved north. Gardeners who live in areas where flooding is likely should plan ahead to divert rain into rain gardens away from their planting beds to reduce erosion and keep soil from becoming saturated.

Hurricane Ivan, 2004. Source: NOAA.

Hurricanes can also cause other impacts too, especially if you are near the coast. Storm surge can drive sea levels up to 25 feet above mean sea level as the water builds a dome under the area of lowest pressure that moves along with the storm until it makes landfall. If you are in a coastal area, you need to consider what the elevations of your land and house are so you know how much the water might rise in a strong storm. Another impact is the strong storms that can occur in the spiral bands outside the main circulation. These storms can hold weak tornadoes as well as heavy rain and gusty winds. In Hurricane Ivan in 2004, we had a tornado in Athens GA at the same time that the main storm was making landfall along the coast several hundred miles away.

As gardeners, it is important to keep in mind that tropical storms and hurricanes are not all bad. The rain that comes from these storms may include 30-40 percent of the summer rain that is expected to fall in a tropical area, and if few storms come, drought is more likely.  But the damage is also like to stress your gardens (not to mention the gardeners!), so learning more about these storms and planning ahead to prepare for the damage they might bring is a good thing for every home owner in an area prone to tropical activity to do now, before the storms come.

Trees on the levee along the Mississippi River bend over as the high winds from Hurricane Gustav pass over the Carville-St. Gabriel area in south central Louisiana. Source: US Army, https://www.dvidshub.net/image/112209.

“Hot, hot, hot!” –A new source of heat information for gardeners and a look ahead to the 2024 Atlantic tropical season


We are entering the hottest time of the year for most of our readers except for those who live in the Southern Hemisphere or in tropical locations where there is not a big seasonal cycle. Heat can have a big impact on both gardens and gardeners, so this is a great time to look at a new product that is now available from the National Weather Service to alert people who spend time outside to the dangers of high temperatures. This new HeatRisk product will help you use the 7-day forecast to identify times when the heat will be the most severe—which will allow you to plan your outdoor work accordingly to avoid the worst dates and times of dangerous heat conditions. I will also provide some resources for how heat affects plants from The Garden Professors and briefly talk about one potential consequence of high temperatures on the upcoming Atlantic tropical season, which starts June 1 in the United States.

Sunset at Cholla Cactus Garden, Joshua Tree National Park, NPS/Brad Sutton, Commons Wikimedia

How does high heat affect gardeners?

Usually when we talk about heat, we are talking about high temperatures. But as they say, “it’s not (just) the heat, it’s the humidity.” High temperatures alone can cause problems for humans and animals because our bodies are built to work best in a narrow range of temperatures. If the temperature goes above that range (or below it), our physical systems experience distress and eventually will shut down. High humidity makes it worse because it makes our natural ability to cool off by sweating less effective because the water on the skin from sweat does not evaporate readily when the water content of the air is high. Many indices for the heat index factor in both temperature and humidity, and the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT–more on this in a minute) includes temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation because all of these factors can affect the body’s ability to cool off.

Grassland in a heatwave, Stefan Czapski, Commons Wikimedia.

If you are outdoors for a long time and start to experience dizziness or nausea or even worse become unconscious, then you are likely experiencing a heat-related illness and you need to get to a cooler area where you can recover right away. In the worst cases, a trip to the hospital may be needed when the body temperature is elevated above the safe range for human life. You can learn more about protecting yourself from high heat at Heat.gov.

What is the NWS HeatRisk map?

Fortunately, there are number of online tools available that can help identify days and times when the danger from high heat is most likely. The National Weather Service has just released a new experimental product called HeatRisk, which provides an interactive map that shows where the heat will be the most dangerous over the next few days. An example of the map is shown below. You can either zoom in on the map or click on your location to get a specific temperature forecast for that spot.

Another tool that may be useful is available across the United States from the Southeast Regional Climate Center at https://convergence.unc.edu/tools/wbgt/. Their tool produces hourly forecasts of WBGT based on National Weather Service forecasts for several days ahead at whatever US location you choose (not just the Southeast) that can determine when conditions are most dangerous for working or playing outside. The WBGT is often used by sports teams to determine if it is safe for players to practice outdoors and how often they need to take a break. The tool gives you the choice of several state regulations for threshold values for WBGT that should determine whether football or other practice is safe. The same information can be used to decide if outdoor workers need extra water breaks in the shade or when gardeners should come in, cool down, and rehydrate.

How does high heat affect plants and gardens?

Plants respond differently to heat than humans and other animals do because they don’t sweat. High heat can cause the plants to close the stomas in their leaves to retain moisture but a long enough period of high temperatures and dry conditions with little soil moisture leads to wilting and eventually, death of the plants. I am not an expert on this, but fortunately Jim Downer and other GP authors have written several blog posts in the past that address the effects of heat stress on plants. John Porter has also written on the effects of high temperatures on pollination and ripening. Check out some of these posts, especially Jim’s post on abiotic disorders, to see what effects high temperatures may have on your garden.

What do we expect from this year’s Atlantic tropical season and how is it related to high temperatures?

This year we have seen a lot of record high temperatures across the globe due in part to greenhouse warming. Sea surface temperatures in the northern Atlantic Ocean have been especially high, most likely due to a combination of greenhouse warming and the absence of aerosol particles in the atmosphere due to the switch to cleaner fuel for ocean vessels a couple of years ago. This change allowed more sunlight to heat up the ocean surface. These ocean temperatures are so much higher than normal that the temperatures are closer to August values than what we usually expect in late May. Since hurricanes feed and grow over water than is warmer than 80 F, it means that the atmosphere over the main development region for Atlantic tropical storms is stoked and could contribute to both a larger number of storms than usual and more rapid development for any storms that do develop. It’s no wonder that the forecasts for the number of named storms in the Atlantic this year is one of the highest ever predicted. So if you are anywhere within reach of an Atlantic storm (which is most of the eastern US but also includes most of the Caribbean, Mexico, and potentially even Central or northern South America and parts of Europe), you should be prepared for tropical activity well in advance of any storms that might come your way this year.

Enjoy the hot weather but treat it with respect

If you like hot weather as much as I do, you are looking forward to the warmer weather we will see over the next few months. But if the weather gets too hot, as it is now in India, Mexico, and other places, heat-related illnesses and even deaths will become more likely. In 2023, the United States set a new record for the number of heat-related deaths. Climate change will make devastating heat waves more likely in the future, so make sure you are prepared. If you understand how heat affects your bodies, pets, and gardens and know how to take care of yourself, you will be better equipped to enjoy the dog days of summer this year and in the future as the earth’s temperature continues to rise. Be safe and enjoy the summer heat!

Sunset in Munnar Tea Garden, jisah, Commons Wikimedia.