*drum roll*
Ladies and gentlemen, the latest effort in pinto bean breeding from Seminis Vegetable Seeds:
Windbreaker is an upright, short-vine pinto bean that has produced consistently good yields, especially for the Red River Valley production area. Windbreaker ripens quickly and uniformly with reduced seed weathering. Try Windbreaker in narrow rows for direct harvest.
Relative Days to Maturity: 94-98
Plant Type: Indeterminate, short vine
Color: Brown flecks on buff
Seeds/LB: 1,076
Disease Resistance: BCMV, R (R)
Leave it to you, Holly, to come up with the most amusing posts! (And was that you masquerading as Dr. Evil on Jeff’s post below?)
That’s . . . amazing.
You might be amused to learn that there is an Asian cucumber (quite tasty, actually) called Stallion White. Really.
Cooking celery with the beans is supposed to counteract the windiness.
… my inner five year old is laughing very hard right now.
Red River Valley.
it reminds me of the Chipotle-away episode of South Park…
@Karen S.: You win!!!