In the wake of The Garden Professors’ sudden notoriety (see Linda’s Jan. 26 post), my department head sent out a very kind e-mail announcement to our faculty, staff, and grad students.
However, he referred to us as the "Hort Professors" blog, sans hyperlink.
A curious staff member (the lovely and talented Pris Sears) searched that title, resulting in the following:
Hort Professors, Hot Professors…kind of the same thing. Thanks, Google!

That is just too funny!
When I ran the search for Hort Professors a little while ago, you came up as the first hit, but Google still wants to ID you as Hot instead of Hort. How fun!
love it! (the blog too…)
This reminds me of our years in Buffalo, when my husband was teaching chemistry classes at Buffalo State College. One of the students was overheard telling another how hot Jim was…and Dr. Scott was thus renamed “Dr. Hot” by our colleagues.
This made my day.
How lucky are you to be married to Dr Hot, Linda!
Well, we’ve been married for almost 28 years! Not bad in this day and age.