Thought I’d throw up a quiz today. In the work that I do I frequently see trees and other plants damaged by herbicides. The plant in the picture below was accidentally hit with an herbicide very similar to 2,4 D, but one that is not currently labeled for general landscape use (clopyralid). Can you guess what type of tree it is?

Red maple? Or maybe freeman? Looks like the leaves are opposite.
Hi Joseph, They do look opposite in that shot don’t they? — they’re not though. They’re alternate.
Are the leaves compound?
Sorry, my computer is messed up. What I meant to send was this:
Hi All —
I’m such an idiot — I thought I had posted a different picture and then didn’t look at it to double check. This tree IS opposite AND compound. Sorry about that!
I’ll guess ash in honor of the borer now arriving in my part of ny
Is it a species of Birch?
Perhaps Acer negundo, Boxelder?
Tilia americana?