The eternal [gardening] optimist


I’ve gotten better, actually.  After slaying hundreds of dollars worth of mail-order and/or inappropriate plants, I’ve learned to curb my urges a bit.

But not this time.

I was overcome by a sale at “Annies Annuals and Perennials” –  the most decadent, irresistible, West Coast, Zone 9 catalog ever.

Behold! The impossible-to-grow and majestic Puya*

Mine! Mine! Mine!
It will reside in my greenhouse over the winter.

Packing peanut left in pot for scale.

Now taking bets as to how many years ’till bloom. Side action on years/months until I kill it.

*Can one of you familiar with the genus inform me as to pronunciation? I’m pretty sure my current “rhymes with booyah” isn’t it.



8 thoughts on “The eternal [gardening] optimist”

  1. Puya=booyah! At least here in the bay area, and ours take about six-eight years to bloom from seed… Dyckias seem faster.

  2. they are also pretty easy to grow even from seed, at least in L.A. I probably have about 50 seedlings on my propagation bench that will need to be pricked out in a few months.

  3. Thanks Tom and Hap! I will say it with authority now (POO-yaaaah!). I wonder how long 6-8 yrs “west coast” translates to Zone 6…maybe before I retire? Dear “skr” – that’s good to know. I want to burden all of my gardening friends with long-term commitment 😉

  4. I’ve seen one of those before! It was 10 years ago, but that is how memorable it was–at the Lokrum botanical garden, just offshore from Dubrovnik, Croatia.

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