Linda’s posting this week made me nostalgic for some good old garden guru advice, so I couldn’t help but zip on over to Jerry Baker’s web site ( to see if he had anything interesting to tell me. I wasn’t disappointed! Here is one of his recommendations:
Three-minute eggshells
“Place eggshells in the microwave for three minutes, remove, crush into a fine powder, and place them in a cloth sachet. Then drop the sachet into your houseplant watering can to give your indoor plants a nice nitrogen-boost.”
Wow! how about that! Eggshells for a nitrogen boost! Who woulda thought…. Anyway, after I saw this, I got to thinking, maybe, just maybe, there might be some nitrogen there…..
So I microwaved four eggshells, crushed them, and put them into a half-liter of water, then let them sit in the water for about 9 hours. Then I filtered the water off and ran that water (along with a control sample) over to our soils lab to be tested.
And wouldn’t you know it? That water DID have nitrogen in it! About 5 parts per million! Which is about 1/10th of what I would consider even close to a fertilizer application….So then if we do the math, that would mean that eighty egg shells per liter (about a quart) would make a decent shot of nitrogen.
Sorry Mr. Baker, I just don’t eat that many eggs.