I just got back from British Columbia where I spoke to 2 garden club/Master Gardener groups. It’s always easy for me to do seminars in BC or along the west coast, but I rarely get a chance to go elsewhere. Many times it’s the expense that keeps groups, especially garden clubs and nonprofits, from bringing in speakers.
So here’s my idea: I keep a gift account budget here at WSU with the donations people make towards my educational program. Occasionaly I’ll make an equipment purchase, but for the most part it’s intact. And today it hit me – why not use it to help fund travel throughout the US (or elsewhere?) to give educational seminars?
So before I go any further with this thought, maybe some of you can give me feedback. Would your institution/garden club/or other group be interested in having me give a seminar on some aspect of sustainable urban horticulture? Just post a reply in the comments with your general location. I’ll see if there’s enough interest to pursue this further. I’d probably try to organize this trip for sometime in late February-early March of 2011.

I’d love to have you here in Atlanta. You could speak at the PLANET award-winning Chattahoochee Technical College (where I took classes in sustainability), visit the new attractions at the Atlanta Botanical Garden, tour the ATL Beltine landscape project (maybe via a friend of mine who is a landscape architect on the project, and eat some great Southern food!
Also, what if there were a Garden Professors Symposium one weekend at a major city, like Atlanta! We could all meet up.
I’d love to promote a regional opportunity, probably in Harrisburg, PA (would cover the South Central PA region) for Master Gardeners and their audience. Excellent timeframe, too. I’ll forward the idea to the (part time) State Coordinator.
Come on down to N.Florida in the dead of winter. I’ll put you up at the B&B for free and you can speak to my Urban Farmers United. We are a small, fierce group turning lawns into edibles.