Dust in the wind


In my blog post last month, I mentioned the likelihood of having a very active Atlantic tropical season, especially because the ocean surface temperatures are so warm. But despite an early start to the season with the first three named storms (including Beryl, the earliest ever category 5 storm in the Atlantic Ocean), it’s been quiet for the last few weeks. The ocean temperatures continue to be very warm. What is preventing the development of tropical storms in such a warm environment? One of the main culprits now is Saharan dust that blows west off the African continent and affects the vertical structure of the atmosphere. This keeps tropical waves from developing the necessary circulation to strengthen into a powerful storm. In this post, we will discuss the impacts of the Saharan dust and how it is both good and bad for the environment.

Kalanchoe_pumila, 阿橋 HQ, Commons Wikimedia.

What is Saharan dust and where does it go?

The Sahara Desert covers most of the northern portion of the African continent. It’s the world’s largest source of wind-blown dust supplied to the ocean and adjacent land. It is one of the driest places on earth and is covered with sand and rocks but very little plant materials. This means the dust from the Sahara is mineral dust with low organic content. Seven elements (Ca, Mg, Al, Ti, Fe, K, and Na) account for 98% of the total analyzed inorganic burden. The dust particles are often very fine, so they can travel a long distance from their source region on the continent.

Sand blowing on dunes, muffinn from Worcester, UK, Commons Wikimedia.

Winds in that part of the world blow from east to west near the surface. You might know of them as the “trade winds”, which are often described in elementary geography classes as the winds that helped European ships travel west to North America. The trade winds form a band of westward-blowing winds from about 30 degrees south to 30 degrees north latitude around the globe. The strength of the trade winds changes over time, but when they are strong and a lot of dust is available over the Sahara, the particles can blow all the way across the Atlantic, covering large parts of the Atlantic and bringing low air quality and beautiful sunrises and sunsets to people in its path. This month has been particularly dusty, with satellite records showing this is the 2nd dustiest July since continuous records began in 2002. Generally the dust plumes occur at a height of 5,000 to 20,000 feet where the trade winds are the strongest.

How does Saharan dust affect tropical storm development?

The air that carries the Saharan dust is usually very dry, which disrupts the usual moist conditions above the ocean surface and keeps thunderstorms from growing vertically. The vertical air movement would normally help initiate the decrease in surface pressure that helps storms grow. The dust particles also serve as nuclei to absorb even more moisture from the air, keeping the layer dry. The dust is opaque (which makes it visible from satellites) and shades the surface of the ocean, cooling it off and reducing its ability to energize storms.

June 18, 2020, NASA-NOAA’s Suomi NPP satellite, via Commons Wikimedia.

The Saharan dust layer is most likely to occur in the period between mid-June and mid-August, but there are variations over time and location because of the strength and direction of the wind. Sometimes the winds even blow from south to north, bringing dust to Europe, although this is less frequent. Tropical storms can sometimes form in pockets of relatively dust-free air, as Hurricane Beryl did this year, but the thickest layers are very effective at shutting down storm growth.

How does the dust affect air quality and human health?

Saharan dust incursions into the Southeastern United States can often been seen in air quality measurements taken in cities around the region. Like any other dust particles or other aerosols like smoke from forest fires, the particles can trigger asthma, burning eyes, and other symptoms associated with bad air quality. The dust can be seen in lower visibility around the cities, deposits on horizontal surfaces like cars and plants either directly from the dust or from “dirty rain” which contains the dust and brings it down to the ground. It can also result in spectacular sunrises and sunsets due to the scattering of the sun’s rays by the particles (similar to those from volcanic eruptions). If you are sensitive to poor air quality and plan to work outside in your garden, you will want to monitor air quality carefully and avoid the times when the pollution is worst.

The moment of sunset, El Manara gardens, محمد بوعلام عصامي, MD. Boualam, Commons Wikimedia.

How does the dust affect plants?

Saharan dust has important positive impacts on both phytoplankton in the ocean and on the Amazon rainforest. Those areas are often missing nutrients that would allow plant growth and so additions of iron and phosphorus into those areas can improve soil or water fertility and plant growth. Unfortunately the dust can also contain bacteria or other organic material that can lead to undesirable growth of algae in the ocean. The dust is not acidic, so acid rain is not something we worry about with rain containing the Saharan dust, unlike rain from volcanoes or from coal-burning power plants. The dust can also reduce absorption of sunlight by plants if there is a large amount.

How can gardeners prepare for episodes of Saharan dust?

First, we need to recognize that while we have not studied Saharan dust impacts for long, it has been around for many years and is a natural part of the earth-atmosphere system. It has beneficial impacts on soil nutrients in tropical rainforests and gardens in the affected areas and helps reduce activity in the tropics early in the season. But with dust events decreasing in the next few weeks, we can expect the Atlantic tropics to start heating up again as the most active part of the season gets underway. Gardeners should monitor their plants for dusty conditions and should also keep track of air quality impacts if they have asthma or other breathing disorders that could be affected by the dusty conditions. Gardeners in other parts of the world should also be aware of sources of dust and other pollutants that could affect their gardens and their own health. The Garden Professors blog has discussed the impacts of dust on gardens in several of our previous posts so please search for them if you want more information.

Moonlight in the Sahara, © Sergey Pesterev / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0, Commons Wikimedia.

The nitty gritty on movement of chemicals in plants, part 2


My social media administrator (aka cat herder extraordinaire) reminded me recently that I’d written a post on xylem function and promised to follow up the next month with a post on how phloem works. Well, that was about 18 months ago. Guess I better keep my promise.

Do read the linked post if you don’t remember why “xylem sucks.” In contrast to xylem, functional phloem is an interconnected series of living cells with cell membranes. The presence of a membrane means the plant can regulate what goes in and out of the phloem, and the direction of phloem flow is determined by the relative concentrations of dissolved substances in the water – most importantly sugars derived from photosynthesis. Areas of high sugar concentration are sources; areas of low sugar concentration are called sinks. As these words suggest, phloem contents are moved from the source to the sink. This process is called translocation.

A general schematic depicting both xylem and phloem movement. Courtesy of Wikipedia.

The most obvious sources in plants are leaves and other green tissues: this is where photosynthesis takes place and sugars are created. Other less obvious sources are woody roots, trunks, and branches: carbohydrate reserves are built up in the fall, as winter-hardy species enter dormancy and deciduous plants shed their leaves. Carbohydrates are re-mobilized in the spring when trees, shrubs, and perennials emerge from dormancy.

The carbohydrates stored in the branches, trunk, and roots of trees will provide energy to leaves as they emerge in the spring.

Like source tissues, sink tissues vary with the season but can also change daily – especially during the growing season. Expanding leaf and flower buds demand energy for building new cells; ripening fruits require large quantities of sugars. As new branches grow and produce leaves, their demand for carbohydrates decreases until they become source tissues. Translocation is a complex, dynamic process, where phloem in different parts of the plant translocate sugars in different directions.

Newly developing leaves without chlorophyll are sinks for translocated carbohydrates.

This information can be used to guide your gardening practices:

Application of translocated herbicides. While we always want to reserve chemical weed control as a last resort, sometimes it’s necessary when other methods aren’t successful. Glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup) is applied to leaves and is carried through the phloem to sink tissues. When you read the label on a glyphosate-containing herbicide, it will mention that late summer/fall application is needed to kill the roots of perennial weeds. Consider hedge bindweed (Calystegia sepium), a pernicious and difficult weed to remove by mechanical or cultural means once it’s established in a garden or landscape. Glyphosate will successfully kill this weed but only if it’s applied after flowering. At that point the plant is no longer putting resources into either flower production or vegetative growth; instead, translocation moves carbohydrates (and the glyphosate) to the roots for storage over the winter. Killing the underground storage tissues means this herbaceous perennial will not reappear the next spring.

Bindweed can be almost impossible to remove.

Pruning the crown during the growing season. When plants are actively producing new leaves and flowers, translocation is generally directed towards these tissues. Pruning leaf-bearing branches and stems has two consequences: removal of source tissues (the leaves) and increased demand for resources from the rest of the plant. Carbohydrates are moved from other sources, like remaining leaves and woody storage tissues, to the expanding stem and leaf buds that have been stimulated by pruning. This is why chronic and/or severe pruning can have a dwarfing effect on woody plants: woody storage tissues are depleted of their resources which are translocated to the developing buds. Until the new growth leafs out, it will remain a sink tissue.

Newly emerging larch needles will become source tissues once they finish expansion.

Pruning the crown after transplanting. Take the information from the previous section and now consider the additional sink that has been created during transplanting. Successful establishment of a newly installed plant requires rapid development of new root tissues. Pruning the crown of new transplants siphons much of the stored resources away from the roots, reducing the rate of root growth and establishment. Reduced root establishment also means reduced uptake of water, which will damage the newly expanding buds and leaves. Bottom line: do NOT crown prune after transplanting, except to remove diseased, damaged, or dead branches. Wait until the following year to undertake any structural pruning.

Fine roots must establish quickly to provide water for the entire plant.