This month, the Garden Professors have moved to a new website. You can still easily find us at (bookmark that address!), but we’re no longer actively posting on the eXtension website. This change was necessitated by eXtension’s decision to restrict leadership to faculty belonging to premium universities (those paying a sizable annual membership fee). Since neither Dr. Gillman nor Dr. Chalker-Scott belongs to a premium university, and since both are founding members of the Garden Professors, we made a group decision to host our blog independently.
We’ve been working on this transition for a number of months, which is partially why we haven’t been posting as often as we’d like. Along with our new space we’ve added some new members: Dr. Laura Jull (University of Wisconsin), Joseph Tychonievich, and Raymond Eckhart will be joining us as regular bloggers. We’ll be adding blurbs on each of these new members in our “Who We Are” section.
Ideally we’ll be posting on a daily basis, meaning more consistent posts for you. We’ll also be including posts from guest bloggers (our “visiting professors”). And you can also visit us on Facebook, where we have both a page and a group. The group is a great place for you to ask questions or start discussions on topics that aren’t in our archives.
We look forward to bringing you more good science-based gardening information in our own unique ways. Thanks for sticking with us!
Will check back as you work on the site.
There should be a new post tomorrow – and hopefully on a daily basis from now on.
The best of luck to you all – I’m glad that you have decided to be independent. I look forward to your blogs.
Thanks, Glenda! I think we are all re-energized and looking forward to a fresh start.
You provide an invaluable service! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and I look forward to getting to know this site.
ps. what the heck is a “premium” university?
Thanks, Barbara! We appreciate your interest and kind words. (A premium university is one that can afford to pay at least $40,000 per year to be affiliated with eXtension. WSU chose not to do that.)
Hooray for the Fab Four! Independent in every way. Applause!
Thanks, Joan!
I look forward to many good posts, comments and gardening wisdom. Glad you chose this route rather than losing members or disbanding. Thanks for all you do to educate about gardening.
The nice thing about this group is that it started independently without any kind of support. So we’re just going back to that model, which worked pretty well!
Thanks Beth!
Look forward to more postings. Recommended by fellow Master Gardener and enjoy learning.
Glad you found us Judy!
Happy one year anniversary at the new site!
Thanks, Nancy! I’m hoping that once this nightmare from WSU administration is over that I can get back to doing more enjoyable and useful things like putting up new posts!
Just a general suggestion comment… I sort of wish you’d put the author’s name just below the title line. I realize it is at the bottom of the article, but it helps me set context when I know who I am reading and their background (where they are used to gardening or their perspective – are they a bug person or a soil person or…). Anyway, thank you for being here!
Word Press has a system. It puts all the author information at the bottom. The system has changed over the years so depending on the age of the post things will look different. In a perfect world I would have a vast fortune so I could pay someone to go through our hundreds of posts and get them all formatted in a similar way.
Just found the site after listening to an interview with Dr. Chalker-Scott about woodchip mulch which was very interesting! Is there anywhere we can ask questions?
She did say allelopathic effects of trees like black walnut are not really an issue, however I still am hesitant to use Eucalypt mulch (one of the most common here in Australia of course) with the high oil content of Eucalypts….and wondering if she knows anything about them? thanks 🙂
There is no reliable, published evidence that any plant has any allelopathic effect under real-life conditions. Lab and greenhouse pot experiments cannot be extrapolated to a complex soil environment, where microbes quickly break down organic materials including plant biochemicals that might have toxic effeccts.
I just found your website and I love it.
I’m interested in growing under LED lights and am engaged in an argument about leaf burn from water droplets. That’s how I found your article on the subject. I am wondering if the same applies to LED lights. It seems to me it would, but I would appreciate knowing your thoughts.
Karla Ibsen
La Conner, Washington
Shouldn’t be an issue especially with LED lights.