Good guesses over the weekend on what caused the twisty looking trunk structure in Friday’s puzzle. Here’s a larger photo:
Nancy and Paul both got this one – it’s two trunks fused together. I have no idea whether the production nursery grew two saplings together on purpose or accidentally, but here’s one reason that this tree might be a problem down the road:
This area is ripe for disease, as water will collect in the crotch. In fact, the area is already discolored and could be diseased already.
One thing I hadn’t noticed when I took the top picture were the price tags on the nearby pots. They say it all – W(hy) O(h) W(hy).
Needless to say, I hope, is that you wouldn’t want to buy this plant.

We had a neighbor with a huge Chinese Elm with this problem. Two large trunks had grown together. Our arborist drilled it out and drained out the water in the crotch and we filled the void with high-expansion foam. We’ll see if it works keeping the water out.