11 thoughts on “Friday puzzle time”

  1. We call it Dog Vomit Slime Mold here in the Midwest as well. Although, it usually has a more vibrany yellow color to it.

  2. If I wasn’t a horticulturist I’d definitely be a mycologist. Fungi are such intriguing organisms. I’ve gathered quite the collection of photos of them in the last few years, half of which I have no idea what exactly they are.

  3. I love how many people responded to this question! Always good for a laugh in the garden – dog vomit slime mold. I love all the fungi I find in the garden: Dead man’s fingers (Xylaria), bird’s nest fungus

  4. In one part of their life cycle they are single celled, widely scattered organisms. Some unknown signal brings hundreds together for the pictured form of the life cycle that, funguslike, forms spores. Aliens truly live among us.

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