We’re back to civilization, so I can finally post the answer to the puzzle. I’ve been without cell service and our only computer access was dial-up at a glacial 37.2 kbps. Yes, kbps.
Back to our puzzle. Here’s a larger version of Friday’s photo:
It is bark, as many astute readers pointed out. As far as I know, it’s a London plane tree (Platanus), but given the promiscuity of the genus, who knows exactly what species or hybrid it is?
Other tree species were suggested by others and I immediately Googled them to see what their bark looked like. Check out Pinus bungeana (thanks to @Garden Hoe), Parrotia (from Deirdre), Smilax bona-nox (Bryn), Stewartia (one of Deb’s hedged bets), and Corymbia maculata (from Jimbo).
And now, thanks to Ed, I will forever look for pictures hidden in bark. Someone should make a “Gardener’s Rorshach test” from variegated bark!

Outside of Odessa, Missouri, and around those areas, there are trees that have bark similar to this, does anyone have any ideas as to what kind of trees they could be? I would really, really appreciate it. Thanks.