As we get close to the time to start tomato, pepper, and other seedlings indoors, I thought I’d share this picture of my older sister’s seed starting setup from few years ago:
Two desk lamps with compact florescent bulbs. Not traditional, but worked great. Just a reminder that you can get creative when it comes to lighting for seedlings, using whatever fixtures and layout works for your space. The only rules are to use florescent or LED bulbs, not those old fashioned incandescent bulbs which have poor light for plants, and err on the side of more light rather than less to make sure you get compact, healthy plants that will transition to the sunny outside world without drama.
Joseph Tychonievich

“more light rather than less to make sure you get compact, healthy plants that will transition to the sunny outside world without drama.” You say it so well Joseph!
LED is still rather an emerging source of lighting. It is more expensive but not a contributor to potentially spreading more Mercury into living environments as CFLs.
Since most will probably go cheaper and choose CFLs over LEDs:
Consumers should also focus in on CFL package labels for output in lumens. There is a significant light difference between CFL “daylight” -“soft white” type bulbs. Lumens effect intensity as well as light quality in terms of color (wavelength spectrum)
Soft White 2500-3000k
Bright White 3500-4100k
Daylight 5000-6500k
Best bet are the Daylight type CFLs as they usually have a wavelength spectrum closer to what most seedlings need as well as a higher lumens output.
Lumens measure the amount of light produced. The more lumens in a light bulb, the brighter the light. Daylight type CFLs generally have higher lumen output. This higher output should result in stockier seedlings.
Another alternative is for HO or VHO fluorescents (High Output/Very High Outpout). These can be purchased or easily built. Just requires a specific ballast and bulbs which are more expensive (but still probably not in the LED price range). I don’t think these worth the cost for once a year for a few weeks warriors.
I use $43 led shop lights from Wal-Mart- 4500 lumens over about 3 ft.
Good points on CFL lights. I am switching to LED’s even though expensive: more energy efficient, perfect wave length for plants (matches chlorophyll absorption), no heat so can have closer to plants, and as you say no mercury. They also last longer. Good investment.
That’s a very good idea! I just finished with the seed starters, but my sister is now beginning with the preparations and this will be of a great help for her. I’m definitely recommending this post to her and to some friends too. Thanks for the great suggestion!