I was AWOL last week, as I had 3 presentations to get ready for 3 different states all in the span of 4 days. Yow! But they are over and done, and I’ll try to keep up on the blog from now on.
This is a short but amusing post (to me anyway). My second talk was in Virginia, where I spoke to Master Gardeners at their annual conference. The speaker right before my talk was fellow GP Holly Scoggins. (Note to self: never agree to follow Dr. Scoggins again. I’m not nearly as amusing, though I am almost as tall.)
Anyway, Holly was discussing garden trends among other things and mentioned meta-gardens. Hmmm. I hadn’t heard of these, but assumed that, like meta-analyses, they were probably gardens that showcased plant collections from other places. Kind of like arboreta but smaller, and maybe something you could do at home. I nodded wisely, pretending that I was fully on board with this new trend.
Alas. My west coast ears were not adapted to Holly’s southern accent. As I discovered several slides later when it was obvious she was talking about meadow gardens.
Oh well.

Yes, Virginia is a farn cuntry with a language all its own. Those of us who were raised heeya think all yall talk funny! Kinda like the folks on TV who read tha national news. 😉
I’m reading this and I’m thinking wow I haven’t heard of this term perhaps I could use this term to impress my non gardening friends then I read the end of your story. It gave me a laugh and took my mind off my poison ivy rash.
Presumably, a meta-garden would be a garden about a garden. So post-modern! (But I’m not sure what it would actually look like . . .)
Funny – I knew what she was talking about right away. Not that I’m some uber-cutting-edge gardener or trendsetter though. But I am from Alabama.
A garden within a garden–would it look something like this?
Thank goodness you didn’t hear me say “white wine.”
Actually not born and bred Southerner; I’m an Army brat, though the formative (7th grade and on) years were spent in Athens, Georgia.