The answer to today’s puzzle will depend on YOU! I have no idea what this is. (I’m not a mycologist. And did you know that fungi are more closely related to animals than to plants?)
Anyway. I found this on our wood chip mulch today. We always get interesting fungal fruiting bodies on wood chips – one year we even got morels. But I’ve never seen this type before.
If you can’t tell, these are round and furry. They really remind me of a mold.
A larger image linked to the “thumbnail” would be nice.
Personally, never seen any fungi that looked even close!
How did the morels cook up in your veggie stir-fry?
Believe that’s a type of dung fungus – maybe Phycomyces – though I’m no fungus expert. I’ve usually seen these on cat droppings. Another “famous” dung fungus is Pilobolus crystalinus, immortalized in “The Fung in the Dung” – found here:
Alan, we can only upload small images, unfortunately. (The morels, unfortunately, got consumed by something or someone else before I got around to picking them.) And Bob, we *thought* these were emerging from the ground. But I guess I could do some destructive sampling and find out! Thanks for the suggestion (I think).
They are kind of cute. Tribbles?
If they are tribbles, she’s got trouble.
I recently found this growing in a border in my garden. Three clumps were exactly where a cat has been leaving me a present so i guess that where it came from. Never seen anything like it before.