Jeff Gillman a.k.a. Dr. Unbiased!

“Everyone’s taking stands, and unfortunately, some of those taking the strongest stands have the least information.”
Dr. Jeff Gillman, on “How the government got in your backyard”, co-authored with Eric Heberlig

Fine Gardening did a fine job in a recent interview that was linked to their e-mail update.  FG Editor Steve Aitken brings some humor as he quizzes Dr. Jeff. about his new book.  Check it out here.

Steve opens with “Is the government really in my backyard? And if so, can I get them to pull some weeds?

Hee!!!  The interview awesomeness continues as herbicides, nudity, tofu dogs, and  poo-pooing are all discussed. I just may renew my subscription, if Steve can promise more of the same. I gave up on Garden Design years ago – since I don’t have a gravel garden with infinity pool overlooking a canyon in California, nor am I interested in $5000 lawn chairs. Reading it just made me feel dowdy.

“I can practically guarantee that you’ll find something in this book that
you don’t like.” 
Way to sell a book, Dr. Jeff!

Despite waiting pensively by the mailbox for my Complimentary Copy which has yet to arrive, I can safely say there’s already a kerfuffle brewing over the book. As Jeff noted in his post last week, folks have already weighed in DISAGREEING with his position. Wait! He has no position! That’s the whole bloody point. It seems an alarming number of people aren’t sure what to do with the 1,350 grams of gray stuff between their ears.

Relative to last weeks “trivia” post: I’m apparently the tallest Garden Professor, at 72 + 5/8 inches.

4 thoughts on “Jeff Gillman a.k.a. Dr. Unbiased!”

  1. Garden Professors rock! Holly, the most recent issues of Garden Design have been fabulous. I, too, was turned off by the high-end, hardscape-heavy froofroo, but GD is different these days. Check it out. No, I do not work for them!

  2. I hate to jump on the bandwagon, but the past few editions of Garden Design have changed noticeably for the better. Still, there was this cute little wagon to carry your junk around the garden. Only $2500!

  3. Dave and Molly, that’s so funny you mentioned that – an hour after I posted it, a friend asked “have you noticed a change in “Garden Design”? Ha!

    Jeff, I think “Dr. Mister Unbiasedpants” is also available.

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